Beautiful Hair!

Posted by Lightbeam1 on 3:19 PM

Here's a couple views of mom's new hair. It's really curly and has taken so long to come in. A few weeks ago I just had to tell her, "Mom, you need a haircut! You look like you have an afro!" We both laughed because it's been so long since she's needed a haircut at all! I think I did a decent job but now her hair keeps growing faster and faster! She probably needs to go to the salon sometime soon. I'm just thinking about how much money she's saved in haircuts over the past year! <--- I'm just looking for the positive side of things here! :)

On another note... mom had another muga scan where they check her heart and the effects the herceptin has on it. So far they say there's been minimal change. That's good. I just hate that there is any change at all.

A few months ago she started taking B-12 as well as a lot of other good nutrients. She has been running around like crazy and putting the "young 'uns" to shame with all the energy she has! Good to see my mom in such great spirits.


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