long time

Posted by Lightbeam1 on 9:26 PM comments (0)

It's been a long time since I've posted. Life gets pretty busy sometimes.
Mom's doing good. She's lost a lot of weight and is feeling really great!
The weight has come off slowly, but she tries not to miss her exercise classes.
She's so strong now. She practically runs the exercise class and has been asked to be interviewed for an article about "Fit Steps".
She's also started sewing again. In fact, this past weekend she had her first sale in about 2 years! She loves to sew coloring book bags. She's so talented! Now she's making purses and backpacks too! Anyway, she feels good most days. She has her bad days, of course, but I think we all do.
I really enjoy spending time with her. I'm glad she chose to go through the hard treatments, because she wanted to live. I don't know that everyone would go through that kind of sickness. She's pretty much my hero.